Who We Are

Who We Are

Leesville Baptist Church is a thriving country church with vibrant worship, Bible-based expository preaching, a large youth and children’s ministry, and active community outreach.

We believe that growth happens when we do life together.

At Leesville, we do life together in multiple different ways. Corporately, we meet on Sunday mornings to study God’s Word and worship. Throughout the week, we have several Family Groups that meet for fellowship, Bible study, and prayer. Additionally, we have been blessed with a large and lively youth ministry, with youth events taking place on both Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings. Through these discipleship and accountability relationships, we equip and encourage one another to grow in our personal faith and become witnesses of that faith in our community and beyond.

LBC Leadership

  • Pastor

    Position currently vacant.

  • Brena Burgan


    Brena Burgan began serving as Children’s Minister at LBC in May 2014, and took on the additional role of Youth Minister two years later. Brena holds a bachelor’s degree in Agriculture from Stephen F. Austin (2001), and a Master of Science in Horticulture (2002) from Texas A&M (Whoop!). She and her husband Kevin are raising two Jesus-loving boys on a ranch north of Clarksville, and get to live right across the road from her parents! Brena loves to do anything if family and friends are involved, but especially enjoys reading, cooking, working cows, gardening, fishing, and riding around the ranch on her mule. Her favorite verse is James 1:2-4, and she often reminds others that you can’t skip past that ‘Consider it pure joy’ part!

  • Kiley Miller


    Kiley Miller’s home away home has always been on the Leesville Worship Team. Her mom served as the Worship Leader for 44 years and in 2025 Kiley said YES to God when the opportunity to go “ALL IN” as her mom’s replacement was His calling for her! Included in our very talented Worship Team is her brother and two daughters. We fully expect her son to be joining them soon! Kiley is married and together, they serve Leesville’s Children and Youth Ministries. Kiley also serves our local schools as a teacher and never hesitates to jump head first into anything her family and friends are doing.

  • Melanie Lawrence


    Melanie came to Leesville in 2023, and did not hesitate to jump head first into the life and services of our church! In addition to managing the finances of at Leesville, Melanie along with her husband serve in the Children’s Ministry.

  • Debbie Janeway


    Debbie Janeway came to Leesville in 1981, and since that time she has served as a Sunday School teacher, former pastor’s secretary, and the treasurer. For many years, she and her husband Bill have served LBC through hospitality and the kitchen. Debbie and Bill Janeway have been married for 50 years, and are blessed with 4 children, 10 grandchildren, and 8 great-grandchildren.


    Emmett Capt
    Ross Eason
    Skylar Miller

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