Event Calendar
Upcoming events.
Leesville Spring Break
Leesville Spring Breaks for our volunteers while the students are breaking from school!
Pinewood Derby Race
This is a make race… 2025 Thanksgiving Pinewood Derby will still run as planned!
Red River County Stew Cook-Off
Leesville has a team and several pots of stew stewing! Come join us for a day of fellowship and fun as we cook up the winning pot! Bowls are sold to raise money for the Red River County Annual Fair and Livestock Show. Check back later for serving time!
Loose Change Gang
Our Children pick pockets for a cause during our Worship time every third Sunday! Funds help pack and send Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes around the world with the Gospel message!

Wednesday Night Church
C.H.A.O.S. | K-6th
YOUTH| 7th-12th
Meal | Bible Lesson | Games
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Transportation provided...
Clarksville @ ACE 5:25
Detroit @ Tabernacle 5:25
Bagwell @ Post Office 5:20
All other requests by phone…903.641.9424
LBC Work Day
This is an all hands on deck kind of day! There will be inside and outside tasks. Whether you need to sit or stand as you work, we will have a job for you!
Youth Lunch Fundraiser
We are hoping to take 45+ campers to Latham Springs this June. The youth are cooking, serving and doing the dishes for donations! That’s a pretty sweet deal… eat a delicious lunch AND send kids to camp! Meal and additional details coming soon………..
First Sunday Fellowship aka Potluck
Nothing better than the fellowship and food of a good ‘ol fashioned Baptist Potluck! Members are asked to bring a dish (or more)! Visitors, you don’t have to bring a thing and we don’t even make you do the dishes!
April Business Meeting
All LBC members are invited to participate in the business matters of the church in our monthly business meeting!

Easter Sunday at LBC
April 20th
Sunday School: 9:45 AM
Easter Service: 10:45 AM
Come to church, stay for lunch, fellowship & Kid’s Egg Hunt!
Picnic & Egg Hunt at the Miller’s... They basically live in the church’s back yard!
First Sunday Fellowship aka Potluck
Nothing better than the fellowship and food of a good ‘ol fashioned Baptist Potluck! Members are asked to bring a dish (or more)! Visitors, you don’t have to bring a thing and we don’t even make you do the dishes!
May Business Meeting
All LBC members are invited to participate in the business matters of the church in our monthly business meeting!
First Sunday Fellowship aka Potluck
Nothing better than the fellowship and food of a good ‘ol fashioned Baptist Potluck! Members are asked to bring a dish (or more)! Visitors, you don’t have to bring a thing and we don’t even make you do the dishes!
June Business Meeting
All LBC members are invited to participate in the business matters of the church in our monthly business meeting!
First Sunday Fellowship aka Potluck
Nothing better than the fellowship and food of a good ‘ol fashioned Baptist Potluck! Members are asked to bring a dish (or more)! Visitors, you don’t have to bring a thing and we don’t even make you do the dishes!
July Business Meeting
All LBC members are invited to participate in the business matters of the church in our monthly business meeting!

Wednesday Night Church
C.H.A.O.S. | K-6th
YOUTH| 7th-12th
Meal | Bible Lesson | Games
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Transportation provided...
Clarksville @ ACE 5:25
Detroit @ Tabernacle 5:25
Bagwell @ Post Office 5:20
All other requests by phone…903.641.9424
March Business Meeting
All LBC members are invited to participate in the business matters of the church in our monthly business meeting!
First Sunday Fellowship aka Potluck
Nothing better than the fellowship and food of a good ‘ol fashioned Baptist Potluck! Members are asked to bring a dish (or more)! Visitors, you don’t have to bring a thing and we don’t even make you do the dishes!

Ladies Latte
If you love coffee or just love time with your sisters in Christ, Ladies’ Latte is for you! Join us for coffee, brunch and heart warming conversations laced in prayer and time of devotion!

Wednesday Night Church
C.H.A.O.S. | K-6th
YOUTH| 7th-12th
Meal | Bible Lesson | Games
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Transportation provided...
Clarksville @ ACE 5:25
Detroit @ Tabernacle 5:25
Bagwell @ Post Office 5:20
All other requests by phone…903.641.9424
Sunday Worship Service
We start our Worship Service with Music led by Kiley Miller and the LBC Worship Team. Music is followed by a call to pray at the alter (optional) and then a teaching message from the Word.
*We do collect tithes and offerings. To our guests, there is no pressure to contribute. We simply invite you to be apart of our worship. Thank you for the opportunity to serve and worship with you.
Sunday School
Leesville has a Sunday School for everyone in your family. At Sunday School, you will find a class of people that love God and love people. You will study, laugh, cry and pray through life’s joys and challenges!

VBS Teacher Sneak Peak
Lifeway hosts in person VBS sneak peaks every year in the larger cities. Attending in person isn’t possible, BUT we bought the download to watch on our own! Join us for all the tips, tricks and insider info to make this summer’s VBS, the best yet!

Men's Prayer Breakfast
All men are invited to breakfast. There will be a devotional led by Kevin Burgan and an opportunity to support one another in prayer.

Wednesday Night Church
C.H.A.O.S. | K-6th
YOUTH| 7th-12th
Meal | Bible Lesson | Games
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Transportation provided...
Clarksville @ ACE 5:25
Detroit @ Tabernacle 5:25
Bagwell @ Post Office 5:20
All other requests by phone…903.641.9424
Sunday Worship Service
We start our Worship Service with Music led by Kiley Miller and the LBC Worship Team. Music is followed by a call to pray at the alter (optional) and then a teaching message from the Word.
*We do collect tithes and offerings. To our guests, there is no pressure to contribute. We simply invite you to be apart of our worship. Thank you for the opportunity to serve and worship with you.
Loose Change Gang
Our Children pick pockets for a cause during our Worship time every third Sunday! Funds help pack and send Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes around the world with the Gospel message!
Sunday School
Leesville has a Sunday School class for everyone in the family! Sunday School is a great place for discipleship and fellowship in the Word.

Wednesday Night Church
C.H.A.O.S. | K-6th
YOUTH| 7th-12th
Meal | Bible Lesson | Games
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Transportation provided...
Clarksville @ ACE 5:25
Detroit @ Tabernacle 5:25
Bagwell @ Post Office 5:20
All other requests by phone…903.641.9424
Sunday Worship Service
We start our Worship Service with Music led by Kiley Miller and the LBC Worship Team. Music is followed by a call to pray at the alter (optional) and then a teaching message from the Word.
*We do collect tithes and offerings. To our guests, there is no pressure to contribute. We simply invite you to be apart of our worship. Thank you for the opportunity to serve and worship with you.
Sunday School
Leesville has a Sunday School class for everyone in the family! Sunday School is a great place for discipleship and fellowship in the Word.
LBC Business Meeting
LBC members are invited to participate in the business of the church and upcoming plans.
First Sunday Fellowship Meal aka Potluck
Come to church, stay for Potluck! Members, bring a dish (or two)to share for lunch. Guests, you don’t need to bring anything and you don’t have to do the dishes! Stay and enjoy great food with even better fellowship!
Sunday Worship Service
We start our Worship Service with Music led by Kiley Miller and the LBC Worship Team. Music is followed by a call to pray at the alter (optional) and then a teaching message from the Word.
*We do collect tithes and offerings. To our guests, there is no pressure to contribute. We simply invite you to be apart of our worship. Thank you for the opportunity to serve and worship with you.
Sunday School
Leesville has a Sunday School class for everyone in the family! Sunday School is a great place for discipleship and fellowship in the Word.