Senior Pastor Application
Job Description
Established in 1908, Leesville has sought to faithfully proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ, both locally, and throughout the world. Serving both Red River and Lamar Counties, located in rural North East (Bagwell) Texas. Leesville Baptist Church (LBC) has approximately 370 members with an average Sunday school attendance of 70 and Morning worship 75 to 100. Wednesday evening ministries include youth, and children. In recent years LBC has expanded its outreach ministries to the communities of Detroit and Clarksville, Texas. LBC operates regular bus routes transporting youth and children from these areas to Wednesday evening services. Average attendance for these programs is 120+ and growing. LBC offers summer kid’s ministries including Vacation Bible School. LBC membership faithfully supports several different foreign missionary programs as part of its world outreach. For more information about LBC, check out our web site (www.leesvillebc.org).
Scripture Beliefs:
Believe in the Trinity, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
Believe the Bible is the true, inspired, infallible word of God, valid for instruction and teaching.
Believe in creation as portrayed in Genesis, a six day literal creation.
Believe that Jesus was born of a virgin, died, rose again, and will return for His own as prophesied in the Old Testament, and recorded in the New Testament.
Believe that Jesus is the only way to eternal life and that he died for all sins, both past, present and future.
Salvation is obtained by confession of sins, believing and trusting Christ as personal Savior and Lord of your life, accepting the free gift of salvation which leads to eternal life. John 10:28: I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. (NIV)
Believe in baptism by immersion as practiced by John the Baptist, modeled by Jesus and recorded in the scriptures.
Believe in eternal Heaven and eternal Hell.
Pastoral Requirements:
We desire a pastor with a shepherd’s heart who is willing to speak the truth and rightly divide the Word of Truth; 2 Timothy 2:15, adhering to directions given in 1 Peter 5:2-3 where Peter advises his fellow pastors to "Care for the flock that God has entrusted to you.....Don't Lord it over the people assigned to your care, but lead them by your own good example".
Ministry Requirements and Responsibilities:
Pray daily for the congregation as outlined in scripture.
Prepare and conduct worship services.
Prepare sermons under the guidance, leadership of the Holy Spirit.
A vision and plan for the members of Leesville.
Plan and lead in the observance of the church ordinances.
Plan and oversee a program of visiting members and potential prospects.
Plan and conduct counseling sessions, weddings, dedications, ordinations, and funerals.
Represent the church in local association, state convention, and Southern Baptist Convention.
Support the Baptist General Convention of Texas (Texas Baptist).
Work with Deacons, Church Officers, and church committees as they do their assigned duties.
Act as Administrator of paid church staff.
Oversee all the ministries of the church.
Lead the church in all Spiritual matters, including goals and objectives as the church carries out the Great Commission as given in Matthew 28: 19 – 20. Must demonstrate strong leadership skills to effectively lead staff and members.
Email completed application form to:
Emmett Capt