Who We Are
Who We Are
Leesville Baptist Church is a thriving country church with vibrant worship, Bible-based expository preaching, a large youth and children’s ministry, and active community outreach.
We believe that growth happens when we do life together.
At Leesville, we do life together in several different ways. Corporately, we meet on Sunday mornings to study God’s Word and worship. Throughout the week, we have several family groups that meet for fellowship, Bible study, and prayer. Additionally, we have been blessed with a large and lively youth ministry that meets on Wednesday nights. Through these discipleship and accountabillity relationships, we equip and encourage one another to grow in our personal faith and become witnesses of that faith in our community and beyond.
LBC Leadership
Neal W. Seaborn
Bro. Neal and his wife, Jana, started serving at Leesville in January of 2017. Prior to this, they had spent 25 years as missionaries to the Philippines with the International Mission Board, SBC. Bro. Neal and Jana are blessed with 4 children and 11 children, and they love to travel.
Brena Burgan
Brena Burgan began serving as Children’s Minister in May 2014 and added Youth Minister 2 years later. Brena has her bachelor’s degree from Stephen F. Austin in Agriculture in 2001 and her masters from Texas A&M (Whoop!) in Horticulture in 2002. Brena has been married to Kevin the love of her life and best friend in 2008. They are raising two Jesus loving boys on a ranch north of Clarksville and get to live just one mile from her parents! Brena loves to do anything if family and friends are involved, and especially loves reading, cooking, working cows, gardening, fishing, and riding around the ranch in her mule! Brena’s favorite verse is James 1:2-4 and reminds others often that you can’t skip past that ‘Consider it pure joy’ part!
Teresa Harmening
Teresa Harmening is a worship leader, songwriter and Christian communicator who shares the joy of the Lord in song. Teresa also speaks and leads worship at women’s events, retreats and conferences. Playing the piano by ear from the age of 3 was the beginning of a lifelong love for music. She continues to use that gift today at Leesville Baptist Church where she has served as a volunteer in the music ministry as pianist and worship leader since 1981. Serving alongside her is a Music Ministry Team of dedicated volunteers who faithfully use their gifts and talents each week to honor the Lord. Included in that team is her husband, son, daughter, and two young granddaughters.
Theresa Hyde
Theresa Hyde has been the Financial Secretary at LBC since 2018. Theresa has been married to Tim Hyde for 20 years. They have been attending LBC since 2011, and been involved with multiple church activities. Theresa has helped Tim run T-N-T BBQ since 2020. She is an avid Hockey and Football fan, enjoys cooking, entertaining, all forms of music, and loves to be outdoors. Theresa has been to Cambodia multiple times on Mission trips, and loves the food and people in the Philippines.
Debbie Janeway
Debbie Janeway came to Leesville in 1981 and she has served as a Sunday School teacher, former pastor’s secretary and the treasurer. She has served in hospitality/kitchen with her husband Bill at Leesville for many years. Debbie and Bill Janeway have been married for 50 years and are blessed with 4 children, 10 grandchildren & 8 grandchildren.
Boyd Harmening
Bobby Ray
David Jones
Emmett Capt