Loving God & Serving People.

9:45 AM - Sunday School

10:45 AM - Sunday Worship Service

Leesville Baptist Church is actively searching for a Senior Pastor

A Thriving Country

Leesville Baptist Church is a country church with a vibrant ministry to families. Located in Red River County on FM195 in Addielou, between Woodlands & Manchester, our heart is loving God and serving people

Family Groups

LBC Family Groups are a place to grow in Christ and connect with others. Meeting every week or every other week in church members’ homes, we have several options to fit your schedule. Casual and family-friendly, Family Groups typically include sharing a meal, Bible study, and prayer.

Women’s Ministry

The Bible encourages older women to disciple and invest in younger women, and LBC seeks to fulfill this command through our Women’s Ministry. Women’s events are an opportunity to make friends, be discipled, and find accountability. 

Youth Ministry

Taking place weekly on Wednesday nights, Youth discipleship reflects the desire of LBC to raise up the next generation to know and love Christ. Age-appropriate, fun, and intentional, our youth group involves both discipleship and community outreach.


We believe that the church is called to love and serve the world around us and every church member is called to grow in becoming a Great Commission disciple. LBC has opportunities for every church member to minister in our local community and beyond.

Children’s Ministry

LBC has age-appropriate Bible study for children on both Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights. We recognize the biblical precedent to teach and train our children about the love and works of the Lord, and we are passionate about doing that in a fun and impactful way.

Prayer Requests

The church is called to bear one another’s burdens, to weep with the sad and downtrodden, and to rejoice with those who rejoice. Our prayer ministry gives individuals the opportunity to share their requests and praises with LBC church members.

Upcoming events at LBC